The most Advanced API in the world
for Food AI and Food Tracking.

AI for Food Detection applied on food images.
Semantic tagging including food group, dish and ingredients recognition, as well as nutritional information.

LogMeal Services and capabilities

LogMeal API offers a set of cloud-based Machine and Deep Learning algorithms for automated food detection. These algorithms allow to analyse the food-related information present on a picture at different levels of semantics and complexity.

All the offered features are divided into different Plans or Tiers adaptable to your needs. The existing LogMeal Plans sorted by number of features are:

  • AnalyseGet the essential image-based food recognition capabilities to empower your App. Extract ingredients and nutritional information from the food detections and let your users edit their quantities at their will.
  • MonitorAccess to an extended set of premium features that will ease the development of all the food monitoring features required by your app.
  • RecommendMake use of the top Artificial Intelligence features by providing automated recipe recommendations and food quantity estimation, among others.
  • CustomContact us to customize your plan with special features.
food waste and food leftovers estimation

Types of Users

Learn which are the different type of users that you can create and give access to the API and which are their roles.


Analyse Plan

Extract ingredients and nutritional information from the food detections and let your users edit their quantities at their will.

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Food Type Detection

Detect if in a picture there is prepared food, a drink, a fresh fruit or vegetable or a sauce. Additionally, we can detect if the picture does not contain any kind of food. Perfect for large-scale image data processing and categorization.

food type detection and recognition api
food group detection and recognition api

Food Group Detection

Find the basic food groups present in the food. Is it a meat, or is it a fish? Does it contain vegetables, does it contain egg? Ideal for general diet analysis based on the pyramid of food groups.

Several Dishes Recognition

Recognize which dishes or food items are present in the image. LogMeal's Food API is able to distinguish among more than 1300 different local and international dishes from any cuisine around the world.

Furthermore, our AI is in continuous improvement, which means that we daily incorporate new images and dishes in order to improve our food tracking capabilities.

several dishes detection and recognition api
healthy food recipes and ingredients recognition api

Ingredients Information

Extract the list of ingredients present in the dishes as well as their quantities. Perfect for food logging solutions.

Nutritional Information

Which is the standard nutritional information associated to the food in the picture? Based on the list of ingredients and their quantities we provide a tailored nutritional analysis. Ideal for average long-term nutritional consumption analysis.

automatic nutritional information analysis api, calories detection
serving size ingredient quantity edition

Intakes' Ingredients Edition

Allow the user to change the quantity of a dish and the quantities of individual ingredients in each dish.

Recommended Daily Intake

Recommended daily intakes of energy (kcal), carbohydrates (g), proteins (g) and fats (g) taking into account the sex, age, weight and height of the user.

daily nutrients recommendations


Monitor Plan

Access to an extended set of premium features that will ease the development of all the food monitoring features required by your app.

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remaining daily intakes of energy

Remaining Daily Intake

Shows the actual quantity of energy and macronutrients registered by the user compared to the recommended daily intake.

Intakes' Nutrition History

Allows accessing the complete intake history of a user for the desired period of time.

intake history in a food diary
barcode scanner food nutrition intake

Barcode Scanner

Add an intake by simply scanning the barcode of a product and add it to your daily intake.

Intakes' Occasion Detection

This functionality detects the occasion based on the time of food registration.

clock that shows the time of the meal
custom occasions personalized intakes time

Custom Occasions

Define personalized eating occasions for all users in your company (other than the default 'breakfast', 'lunch', 'snack' and 'dinner').

Nutritional Goals

Define personalized nutritional goals (energy, macro and micronutrients) for each user.

personalized nutritional goals
personalized nutritional indicators

Custom Nutritional Indicators

Define custom nutritional indicators for your custom recipes.

Nutritional Reports and Summaries

Get daily and weekly nutritional reports and summaries.

nutritional summaries and nutritional reports
manual intake report

Manual or Assigned Intakes

Manually insert an intake or consumption without using an image-based prediction. Managers can also assign intakes to users, as if it were a meal planner.

Custom Recipes

Create and assign company-specific custom recipes.

customized dishes in tuppers
preferred meal berries

Favorite Meals

Save the user’s preferred dishes and meals so they can report them in an easier and quicker way.

Body Measurements

Define custom body measurements and introduce values along time to keep track of the user's evolution.

body measurements weight chest clients patients
food quantity measurement in metric system

Food Units of Measurement

Let users choose their preferred measurement systems or cooking measures for food items and ingredients.

Easy salt/sugar/oil Modulation

An easy and personalized way to adjust user’s salt, sugar and oil consumption habits.

types of reference sugar
healthcare professional as an APIUserManager

External Management

Create APIUserManagers that have access to the food intakes gathered by final users. They will also be able to see and manage their intake history and nutritional information, among others.


Recommend Plan

Make use of the top Artificial Intelligence features by providing automated recipe recommendations and food quantity estimation, among others.

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Food Restrictions and Diet Labels

Diet-specific labels and food restrictions the user can choose to define their type of diet, restrictions or allergies.

food restriction paleo diet
vegetables variety

Variety Score

Intake quality metric that measures how varied a user's diet is.

Nutritional Scoring

Nutritional rating system that classifies foods into 5 nutritional quality categories. Ranges from A (better quality) to E (poorer quality).

nutri-scores label
recipe-specific recommendations

Recipe and Dish Recommendations

User-specific recipe and dish recommendations by considering APIUser's past intakes and preferences.

Food Quantity Estimation

Automatically calculate the food quantity present for each of the food items present in the picture.

sandwich quantity estimation

Custom Plans

Contact us to customize your plan with special features.

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food waste and food leftovers estimation

Food Waste Estimation

Estimate the food waste or leftovers of a registered intake by taking a picture after the meal.

Dysphagia User Feedback

Dysphagia Measurement Feature allows precise assessment of food stickiness and swallowing ease, enhancing safety and comfort for dysphagia patients. Integrate now for receiving patient's feedback and allow you defining tailored, patient-specific food recommendations.

dysphagia measurement feedback swallowing
food log history logmeal platform screenshot

LogMeal App White-labeled

Tool for users/patients that allows them to monitor their nutrition and submit food intakes. Do not spend time on building your own App, just use our white-labeled option and customize the features available for your users.

LogMeal Platform for Health Professionals

Tool for healthcare professionals that allows them to see and manage the intake history and nutritional information of their assigned APIUsers. Do not spend time on building your own management system for health professionals, just use our LogMeal Platform and easily monitor your user's intakes.

food log history logmeal platform screenshot
customized AI computer vision deep learning solutions food detection

Customized Services

If you require a tailor-made Food AI solution we can build custom Deep Learning tools and algorithms for image based food detection and nutrition analysis.

SIGN UP for Free

Try now our FREE API Plan and start applying Food Recognition with one line of code!

Sign Up Now!