Custom Recipes

Create and assign company-specific custom recipes.

Service available in the following LogMeal Plans:


With LogMeal API it’s possible to create and assign custom recipes accessible by all the users in the company. Thus, the recipe has its specific ingredients and quantities. This allows for more accurate nutritional information. This feature is useful in the cases where the company and/or the manager suggest a set of recipes/dishes that have to be consumed by the final users.

Custom recipes will only be visible by your company. To create a custom recipe the company has to provide:

  • dish_name
  • has_added_sugar: select ‘true’ or ‘false’ whether the user could possibly choose to include added sugar to the recipe (e.g. coffees, yogurts, etc.).
  • ingredient_list
  • nutritional_indicators
  • translations for your dish to all the available languages

The available LogMeal API endpoints for accessing to this service are:

Accessible by the following Types of Users:


🔴 APIUser

🔵 APIUserManager

preparing custom recipe
customized dishes in tuppers

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