Intakes’ Nutrition History

Allows accessing the complete intake history of a user for the desired period of time.

Service available in the following LogMeal Plans:


Intakes’ nutrition history allows accessing the intake history of a user for a selected period of time. It collects the name, list of ingredients, image and nutritional information of every intake within that period of time, among other useful information.

This feature provides a history of the user's intakes between two dates, based on the content of the images or any other kind of intakes the user has uploaded during that period of time.

The system provides a list with information about every single intake uploaded by the user (containing the timestamp, occasion, nutritional information and the URL to the image*), as well as the total intake of the main nutrients obtained from the images (calories, carbohydrates, fat and protein). All elements in the intakes list are sorted from older to newer.

The available LogMeal API endpoints for accessing to this service are:

  • GET /history/getIntakesList ⚫ 🔵 🔴 Obtain a list of intakes with their nutritional information between two dates.
  • GET /intake ⚫ 🔵 🔴 Obtain the full information of a specific intake (imageId).

Accessible by the following Types of Users:


🔴 APIUser

🔵 APIUserManager

Sample Code:

dishes to be included in the nutritional history
intake history in a food diary

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