Intakes' Ingredients Edition

Allow the user to change the quantity of a dish and the quantities of individual ingredients in each dish.

Service available in the following LogMeal Plans:


Everybody cooks and prepares their dishes with their own touch. This implies that every person may add or discard some ingredients when cooking their favorite recipes or vary their quantities. Taking into account the unlimited variations of recipes that could exist in the world, with this feature we allow the user to modify the ingredients list for each food item in the image.

Optionally the amount (weight) can be specified for each ingredient. If the amount of the ingredient is not provided the average serving size for that specific ingredient will be used. This feature helps to obtain more realistic and accurate nutritional values for any of your intakes.

The available LogMeal API endpoints for accessing to this service are:

Accessible by the following Types of Users:

🔴 APIUser

🔵 APIUserManager

serving size of each ingredient
choose and modify ingredients

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