Ingredients Information

Extract the list of ingredients present in the dishes as well as their quantities. Perfect for food logging solutions.

Learn more about how to use this feature in our Tutorial page.

Service available in the following LogMeal Plans:


The information provided consists of the usual data provided when cooking a recipe, which is the list ingredients together with their specific quantities. Only after a recognition procedure has been applied on a certain image the ingredients information can be accessed. The same behaviour is required for accessing to the nutritional information service.

The total number of ingredients currently available on our database is more than 800. The recipes list is curated by expert dietitians considering standardized individual portions. Even though, one can always change the total quantity consumed for a specific dish through the /nutrition/confirm/quantity endpoint as well as the specific ingredients list and their quantities through the /nutrition/confirm/ingredients endpoint.

The available LogMeal API endpoints for accessing to this service are:

Accessible by the following Types of Users:

âš« APICompany

🔴 APIUser

🔵 APIUserManager

Sample Code:


Sample Response:

ingredients information api food tracking recipe salmon healthy
ingredients information api food diary recipe rice chicken

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