Recipe and Dish Recommendation

User-specific recipe and dish recommendations by considering APIUser's past intakes and preferences.

Service available in the following LogMeal Plans:


LogMeal API makes user-specific recommendations by considering user’s past intakes and preferences (such as diet labels and food restrictions).

Dish recommendations: we return a list of dish ids as a recommendation after analyzing the user’s intakes over the last days (or the period of time selected by the user). The returned dishes belong to the LogMeal database. The recommendation process first analyzes the nutritional information of the user’s intakes over the last days and calculates a measurement named 'Variety Score'. After this step, a list of food groups is calculated that should optimize this score and finally optimal dishes belonging to these food groups are recommended as the final output.

Recipe-specific recommendations: we return a set of recommended recipes for a user based on the previous intakes reported. The recipes recommended contain all the detailed information for cooking the dish with a similar format of a food recipe book.

The recipe recommendation process consists of three main steps:

  1. First, it tries to get the suitable dishes that the users should eat to improve the 'Variety Score' of their diet (alternatively, a list of preferred dishes can be provided as a parameter to this endpoint). If not provided, the 'v2/recommend/dish' endpoint is used internally to get the recommended dishes.
  2. Once the dishes are obtained, a list of pre-stored recipes for these dishes are gathered.
  3. In order to improve the personalisation of this recommendation process, a final filtering method is carried out where APIUser's diet preferences and food restrictions are taken into consideration. So for better results, it is advised to add these user attributes to the API via the '/v2/profile/modifyUserProfileInfo' endpoint.

The available LogMeal API endpoints for accessing to this service are:

Accessible by the following Types of Users:

🔴 APIUser

salmon dish recommendation
recipe-specific recommendations

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