Nutritional Reports and Summaries

Get daily and weekly nutritional reports and summaries.

Service available in the following LogMeal Plans:


Nutritional reports and summaries are useful for both end users and professionals. In one hand, end users will be able to see relevant nutritional information that can motivate them to make changes and improvements in their diet. In the other hand, professionals will be able to see if their users are following their recommendations and nutritional goals in a more visual way. It allows them to quickly see which aspects they need to continue working on with their user and which ones are more established.

There are three main nutritional reports and summaries that can be generated from the provided information:

  • Report of the day: Shows two plots:
    • Calorie distribution throughout the day (kcal per occasions). This gives information about end users eating patterns like skipping meals, overeating on a specific moment of the day, etc.
    • Macronutrients plot. Shows the percentages of the three macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) consumption.
  • Report of the week: It shows the same plots as the report of the day taking the average of the entire week.

  • Food groups summary: It is a summary of the daily or weekly consumption of the following food groups:
    • Vegetables
    • Fruit
    • Grains and tubers
    • Dairy products
    • Legumes
    • Meat
    • Red meat
    • Fish
    • Eggs
    • Nuts

The available LogMeal API endpoints for accessing to this service are:

Accessible by the following Types of Users:


🔴 APIUser

🔵 APIUserManager

report on the daily and weekly nutrition consumption
summary and recommendation of the food groups consumed

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