food patients efficiency accuracy inpatients outpatients

Nutritional software for hospitals: LogMeal Nutra Hospital

Monitor your patients' diets in the most efficient and accurate way

Track your patients' nutrition in an innovative way

LogMeal NUTRA HOSPITAL is a revolutionary solution for monitoring your patients' food intake, setting nutritional goals and personalizing recommendations.

It has never been so easy, simple and accurate to receive the full detailed nutritional information of all your patients' food intakes. Get all the dietary information objectively, standardized, auto-calculated, digitized and in real time.

Forget food questionnaires and manual reports. LogMeal uses Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Vision and Deep Learning for performing food detection, recognition and tracking.

How does our nutritional software work?

  1. The food tray of the inpatients is scanned by LogMeal Kiosk. Whereas, outpatients take pictures of their intakes with LogMeal APP (available for Android & iOS) anytime, anywhere.
  2. The nutritional expert receives all the information about their patients' food intake and habits (with 37 micro- and macronutrient indicators) on LogMeal Platform online through any web browser.
food recognition monitoring logmeal food tracking nutritionist dietitian

Benefits of our nutrition software

diet adherence patients inpatients outpatients

Increases your patients' dietary adherence

Motivate them by offering an easy to use, convenient and smooth solution to monitor their diet

integrate single interface

Have it all in a single interface

Unify all the nutritional information and management of all your customers

save time integration

Save time & get all data integrated

Automatic calculation of your patients' nutritional needs

alerts warnings food intakes

Alerts & warnings

Track nutritional goals with alerts and remind patients to log meals

remote management integration

Remote management

Get all the information about your customers online, available through any device

daily weekly reports food intakes

Daily & weekly reports

Get automatic nutritional reports of your patients' food intake


What do hospitalized patients really eat?

Automatic recognition in less than 3 seconds

99 percent of accuracy rate

No patient data involved

food picture before serving

One picture of the tray before serving

food picture after eating leftovers

One picture of the tray after eating

actual intake food waste

Available information about actual intake and food waste


food intakes app logmeal

With LogMeal APP your outpatients (non-hospitalized) will record all their intakes

THEY will be able to track their diet by just taking pictures of their meals 24/7

YOU will get the information and nutritional values of their intakes in real-time

apple store icon android store icon
LogMeal APP is available in the following languages:
english api language translation
espanol spanish api language translation
francais french api language translation
deutsch german api language translation
italiano italian api language translation
nederlandse dutch api language translation
turk turkish api language translation
elliniká greek api language translation
hebrew api language translation
catala catalan api language translation

Nutritional monitoring

LogMeal Platform is the solution through which the nutrition expert has access to your patients' information.

It allows the professional to:

  • See patients' food log history with real pictures of their meals
  • See the nutritional information of every meal: 37 micro and macronutrients
  • See the frequency of food groups consumption
  • Set (manually or automatically) nutritional goals according to individual characteristics
  • Have daily and weekly nutritional reports according to their actual intake (served vs leftovers)
  • Assign specific meals to each patient
  • Get alerts about patients' data
  • Export all your patient's food intake & behavior information
nutritionists dietitians endocrinologists desktop app logmeal platform
LogMeal Platform is available in the following languages:
english api language translation
espanol spanish api language translation
nederlandse dutch api language translation


food log history report

Food log history

Get the full history of the patient's intakes based on the content of the meals the patient has uploaded in the APP.

define nutritional goals automatically manually

Nutritional goals

Define personalized nutritional goals (energy, macro and micronutrients) per patient. Access its evolution graphs to view the history of each nutrient.

app food monitoring

Mobile APP

LogMeal APP will be at your patients' disposal, so they can easily record their meals by taking pictures.

track body measurements weight

Body measurements

Enter your patient's body measurements (weight, perimeters, etc.) and visualize its evolution graphs.

automated daily weekly reports


Nutritional reports according to your patients' intake. Summary per day and per week available.

create custom personalized recipes

Personalized recipes

Create and assign specific custom recipes for more accurate nutritional information.

meal planner assign meals

Meal planner / Assign meals

Assign future intakes to suggest what your patients' have to eat.

compute food waste real food intake

Food waste

Get to know what are the patients really eating and what is being wasted.

alerts warnings food log report

Alerts & warnings

Track nutritional goals with alerts and remind patients to log meals.

More than


available dishes for recognition

Different local and international dishes from any cuisine around the world

More than



Wide variety of foods and ingredients including raw and grocery foods

More than


nutritional indicators

Provided information for each dish and meal. It includes energy, micro and macronutrients

We use

database icon

renowned nutritional databases

The same ones used by nutrition experts and professionals

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